Sunday, January 9, 2011

Answers to your questions (5.)

My answers to your questions:

I have got a question. While working as an usher I heard some feedback, mostly from women, complaining about the clown act with Mercedes and Steve and especially complaining about the kind of underwear Mercedes is wearing during the act. They mentioned, that this act is just not acceptable and lowers the niveau of the whole show. I thanked them for their feedback and answered that I will hand this over to Gabriel (head-usher).
And of course I have my own point of view. But I would be interested if this is something the crew hears also in other countries and if things like that are discussed?
-It is really rare for us (artists) to hear something like this.
Either it has to be something super nice or exrtemly bad.
But no, I never heard about this underwear-issue for example.

What do you do to keep fit?
-Honestly... just the shows, nothing else.
No extra work out and no special diet for me!

Is there anything you look for straight away in a city? 
-No.I mainly focus on the big tourist attractions ... and the closest grocery store to the hotel.

How do you travel from city to city?
-Mostly by plane or sometimes by train in Europe.

What was your first job?
-I was already doing some gigs while I was in the circus school, and I already get paid for them.
I think I was in a group what did juggling and group acrobatics on the Hungarian national tv.That was my first one.

How much free time do you have to spend in the city?
-Mondays are usually free, so I can do things on those days, and if we have one show and I don't have a rehearsal I can do things in the city, until the show starts.

What can you advice to me if I want to be a good acrobat?
-Find good teachers.Train hard.
Search and study about things what interetsts you in circus, and never give it up!!!

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