Sunday, January 9, 2011

Answers to your questions (3.)

More answers to your questions:

What do you miss from Hungary?
-I miss my family and my friends of course.I miss some neighbourhoods, because walking trough them or travelling trough them brings back a lot of memories.
I miss some of the food.

Do you speak French?
-Unfortunately not, yet.
I'm planning to learn it, because that is my partner's native language, so it would be nice to be able to use it.
Plus I think it sounds super nice.

Are there any similarities between you and your character? 

How much space do you have between the floor and the trap doors (under the stage) when you enter and exit?
-Depends on the city.Mostly around a meter... so I can barely sit under the stage sometimes.

How different is the net from any other aerial act?  
-The touch of the fabric (the net)is different and there are few elements what you can only do on the net.Like climbing (putting your feet into the holes).

Has the net ever broke while you were performing your act?
-Once, the first time when we were in London.
One of the riggers told me that he saw it after the show, but it wasn't super dangerous.
The next day I had to change to another one and they threw the ripped one away.

If Irina is out, then would the Handbalancing act be out, too?
-Yes, in that case the Handbalancing act is out, because she is the only one in this show who can perform it.

What is your costume made out of? 

I was wondering if doing the same show every night is ever boring for you?
-Sometimes, but when it happenes I try to find something to entertain myself.

More answers are coming soon!!!

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